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The open monthly meetings aim to improve the exchange of information within ORDS-MV. This platform should serve for all interested people (students, post docs, senior scientists, professors,..) to exchange information around the topics of Open Reproducible Data Science and Statistics, to discuss questions, to express wishes and to make plans.

In May 2024 we (virtually) discussed the following topics:

  • NFDI activities in MV, esp. NFDI4Biodiversity at IOW and FBN
  • 16S rRNA Gene Metabarcoding
  • gfbio.eV, German federation of Biological Data: https://www.gfbio.org/gfbio_ev/, IOW and FBN are members
  • participation in NORD digital convention in Rostock 29.-30.05.2024: https://www.digitalesmv.de/noerd

Thanks to all participants and looking forward to meeting you at the next monthly meeting or event.

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