Open Monthly Meeting Notes: July 2022
The open monthly meetings aim to improve the exchange of information within ORDS-MV. This platform should serve for all interested parties to exchange information around the topics from ORDS (Open Reproducible Data Science and Statistics), to discuss questions, to express wishes and to make plans.
In July 2022 we (virtually) discussed the following topics:
- Frank presented some news about the ORDS-MV network such as our new website and the new DFN mailing list besides the existing Slack chat which all should help to better communicate and connect all interested people.
- Anja reported about the recent RStudio conference rstudio::conf
- RStudio will soon be called Posit
- Quarto is a modern alternativ to RMarkdown which also enables interactive elements or simple bibliography integration.
- Tidy models provide a smart method for modelling in R
- Other topics were:
- the use of scipy pipelines which enables the parametrization of the analysis as well as the use of papermill for the parametrized execution of Jupyter notebooks
- possible solutions for combining PostgreSQL, R and RMarkdown programming with large datasets: 1. SQL queries from within R, 2. R within SQL
- As a future event, the “Kultur Hackathon” which takes place from Sept. 30th, 2022 to October 2nd, 2022 was suggested. The idea is that owner and maintainer of cultural data in MV and coders, designers, lyracists as well as other creative people come together to create something great.
- Finally, Anja and Frank will organize a “ReproHack” at the “Open Science Festival” on August 30th and 31st. More Information will follow soon.
Thanks to all participants and looking forward to meeting you at the next monthly meeting or event.