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Communication channels

We decided to open our communication channels from using services that require an account at the University of Rostock to use publicly available services.

Slack channel for instant communication

As slack requires to adjust the link every once in a while, we do not post a link here. If you are interested in joining the ORDS-MV slack channel, just contact one of us and we will send you an invitation link.

Mailing list

To keep members and other interested persons up-to-date with information regarding activities of the network, we maintain a mailing list at DFN. You can join this mailing list here


Finally, to communicate information of public interest such as planned events, we frequently use Twitter. So far we did not create an individual Twitter account for the network but decided to use our personal account to distribute such information. However, typically we use the Twitter hashtag #ORDSMV to signal information related to the network.